Episode 5
Unlocking Your Intuitive Gifts and Embracing 2024 with Cindy Van Arnam
In this episode of Expert Talk, host TGo welcomes the dynamic numerologist and coach, Cindy Van Arnam, also known as the "Full Blast" coach. Cindy shares her personal journey of transformation, from overcoming challenges to becoming a successful entrepreneur and mentor. She discusses the significance of the number 8 in 2024, symbolizing infinite possibilities and rapid momentum. Cindy's coaching empowers intuition to tap into their gifts, gain confidence, and market themselves effectively. She encourages viewers to embrace the spotlight through practice and authenticity. Tune in to learn how to connect with your intuition and navigate the exciting energy of 2024. Reach out to Cindy at fullblastcoaching.com to explore your own journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
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